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Tips to Write an Effective ‘Why Do You Want to Be a Doctor’ Essay

why do you want to be a doctor essay

If you are applying to a medical school, your personal statement or application essay is highly important. Your application essay about doctor is your first impression on the admissions committee. They are eager to learn more about you and assess your essay in addition to your interview performance.

It is therefore important to write a compelling why I want to be a doctor essay. It lends the school an insight into who you are and why you deserve to be selected.

Read on to find out how you can ensure that your essay makes a mark.

Tips to Write an Impressive Essay About Doctor

Here are some great tips that will help you understand the qualities of a good doctor essay and incorporate them in your writeup:

  • Take time to write your essay, never rush it through. Make a draft, review and re-review it. It may take days, weeks, and even months before it is ready. Give it that time.
  • Be selective of the information you put in your essay. Remember, it is essentially a ‘why I want to study medicine’ essay. Do not pour in irrelevant details of your life, stay focused.
  • Make sure you stick to the format –
  1. Have an introductory paragraph of five to six sentences that grabs attention.
  2. Build up the story in the next three or four paragraphs (the body). Be mindful of the transitions from one idea to another. Keep your language and expression crisp and simple.
  3. Make sure you have a concluding paragraph that is strong and conveys you are up for the challenge. It must sum up your personality, aspirations and intent.
  4. Stick to the word count, avoid overshooting. While some colleges specify a word count including spaces, others do not. Be sure of the requirement.
  • If you have a unique approach, use it. Talk about a failure if that is what inspired you, an experience that was life-changing, anything. Do not be afraid of being different — be interesting.
  • Tell the reader that you are aware of the qualities required to be successful in this profession. Use ample words to describe a doctor in your essay. Be creative.
  • Seek opinion from experts, friends, professors, and people whose opinion you trust before you submit your essay. Constructive feedback always helps to sharpen your write-up and get an error-free final copy. Double check all details before submitting.

Why I Want to Be A Doctor Essay – Mistakes to Avoid

Here are some common mistakes that have resulted in many good essays about doctors being rejected. Keep them in mind to create an impeccable write-up:

  • Stay away from the cliches – Avoid sentences that start with “since my childhood I want to become a physician’ or “I love science and so…”. Instead take a personal, inspiring, unusual angle.
  • Do not digress – When you stray from the topic it eats up precious word count, besides adding confusion. Stay on track, lest your essay gets difficult to comprehend.
  • Avoid redundancy – When you repeat information it conveys you do not have much to tell about yourself. It displays an unclear and unsure mind.
  • Never overdo – Remember you must neither be over boastful of your achievements and nor self-depreciating. Maintain the fine balance needed to write an impressive essay.

Essay Prompts and Topics That Stand Out

Your essay about doctors is a part of your primary application. Depending upon the medical college you are applying to, there is a wide range of topics that you can consider. Medical schools accept different essay approaches. A few examples to consider are:

  • The experience that challenged me to take up medicine
  • How my mentor (any other person) inspired me to take up medicine
  • An early life experience that changed my perspective towards medicine
  • A life changing event that made me introspect and influenced my career choice
  • What motivated me to take up a career in medicine

Sample Why I Want To Be A Doctor Essay

Here is an example of a good introduction to a personal statement or becoming a doctor essay for med-school.

I come from a family of affluent business persons. Both my parents have worked hard to take their individual firms to new heights of success. I have always had a deep respect for their dedication and am in awe of their relentless spirit. This however, led them to believe that I will join either of their businesses eventually. My choice to take up medicine as a career therefore, came as quite a shock to them. It took me a while to make them understand that while the arena of business interested me, making a mark as a doctor was my true calling. I want to learn more about the human body, the way it functions, why it fails when it does, and how medicine has the power to help it recover. I know I am as relentlessness and hardworking as my parents and I am ready to strive towards achieving my goals now.

Why Essay Writing Help Makes Sense

While you may be highly passionate about making a mark in the field of medicine, it is possible that you fall short of the right words to portray your passion for the profession through your writeup. Mistakes in your application essay can prove highly expensive. To make sure you nail your essay and make a lasting impression among the many aspiring students, you can take writing help from experienced professionals and counselors. Our experts offer highly affordable writing assistance which is not only cheap but is also high on quality to make sure your essay stands out.

So, go ahead, get in touch with us today and we will be happy to assist.

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