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Texting and Driving Essay: Writing And Editing Tips

texting and driving essay

Texting and driving essays touch on real issues that affect modern society. People cannot take the next step in life without Smartphones because of tremendous technological progress. Humanity heavily relies on electrical books, calendars, guides, and maps, among others. These smart gadgets are helpful but can be extremely dangerous as they distract the attention of the driver.

Therefore, a good essay on this topic should explain the dangers of texting and driving and why texting and driving is bad. Although you can always buy a persuasive essay on this topic, let’s take a look at this writing guide – it is more interesting to craft an essay yourself!

How to Write a No Texting and Driving Essay

The first thing when writing a texting while driving essay is to analyze the consequences of simultaneously driving and communicating on your phone. The topic tells you that you have to write an argumentative essay that provides arguments against a person texting while driving.

You have to preserve the standard writing structure and write a logical paper. Therefore, you need to begin with an introduction, go to the main body, and then summarize with a strong conclusion to write the best essay on texting and driving.

Talk about the problem that you will be discussing and then write a persuasive thesis statement that should highlight the seriousness of this issue in your distracted drivers essay. Your primary objective is to provide some facts that will convince the reader that the problem really exists and requires drivers to take preventive measures.

Sample Texting And Driving Essay

Why We Should Put an End to Texting and Driving

Texting and driving is a distraction that accounts for more than 25 percent of car crashes. In the US, for example, more than 1.6 million car crushes occur annually because of the distraction of using phones while driving. Of the accidents, about half a million cause serious injuries while more than 5,000 lead to about 6,000 deaths (Gliklich, Guo, & Bergmark, 2016). While the habit is easy to deal with, the consequences are immense and life-altering. In this essay, I argue that the cost and harm of texting and driving are too severe to assume, and therefore people should put an end to the indiscipline.

Firstly, texting and driving increases the likelihood of an accident by 23 times It is about six times more dangerous than drunk driving (Gliklich et al., 2016). Texting distracts the mind of the driver and reduces his/her concentration on the road, which endangers the lives of pedestrians, passengers, and other road users. Blankinship (2015) argues that distractions reduce the working memory of the brain. The greater the texting distraction, the less the brain can focus on driving. Unfortunately, the cost of a single crash that results from the distraction of texting outweighs the benefits of responding to a message in the course of driving. In many cases, texting drivers suffer serious damages in the event of a crash, which ironically includes a broken phone.

Secondly, texting while driving reduces the reaction time of driver in a collision. For example, a driver driving at 55 mph who takes about five seconds texting can zoom out of the road to a distance that is equivalent to a football field (Gliklich et al., 2016). Unfortunately, the driver’s reaction, which mostly leads to veering off to avoid a crash, is likely to cause fatality or injury to an innocent pedestrian. Moreover, during the five-second period that the driver takes his/her eyes off the road, the car can easily crash into others ahead. For the majority of drivers, a crash stimulates the release of adrenaline, which leads them to break. However, because of the distraction of texting, the reaction time of most drivers reduces by up to 18 times (McBride & Carter, 2016). The slowed reaction time means that regardless of whether the driver brakes or not, he/she is likely to cause a crash or veer off the road damaging the car or worse. In other words, because texting involves the coordination of the hands and the brain, distraction causes a difficulty in synaptic transmission to the limbs. Therefore, the driver becomes confused on whether to break or steer away from the road. Consequently, any driver who texts while driving puts his/her life in danger and that of other road users.

Additionally, the emotional consequences that accompany either injury or death of a loved one because of texting and driving is avoidable. While many perpetrators can resolve the legal issues of driving and texting through fines, the injury or death of a family member can lead to lifelong trauma (McBride & Carter, 2016). For example, in the event of a fatality, the driver has to deal with grief. Sometimes, family members’ deaths that result from texting and driving leave drivers with the survivor’s guilt and post-traumatic stress disorder. Therefore, through making a conscious decision to avoid texting while driving and concentrate on the road, drivers can save many lives and prevent the various emotional consequences.

In conclusion, texting and driving is a bad habit that distracts the attention of the driver. While its effects are only apparent after a crash, they are too costly in comparison to the benefit of responding or sending a text message. With the younger generation accounting for four times the accidents while texting and driving than the older one, the society rather awaken and prevent the indiscipline.

Components Of Your Texting And Driving Essay

You can use illustrative materials like examples from life experiences or statistics to disclose the topic. The final thing is to explain your own attitude and summarize your work in a strong last sentence. In case you still have a problem with any of the above steps, here is a detailed explanation on how to compose a distracted driving essay from our top English essay help writers.

  1. Texting While Driving essay thesis
    A good texting and driving essay should have a powerful texting while driving thesis statement. The thesis statement has a crucial role to play in this academic piece of work. It encompasses expressing the main ideas in one to two sentences. Don’t forget to reflect your personal attitude to the problem at this stage.The statement that you make should be strong and effective. It should be able to draw the attention of the reader to the issue at hand. Make him, or her feel some patience and a strong desire to find out what you are going to discuss in the text. If you have a problem with this, you can get some help from online texting-and-driving essay writing services.
  2. Distracted Driving Essay Introduction
    You need to create an incredible introduction for your texting and driving essay. Find a unique method to hook the attention of your readers. The initial step is writing an interesting quote. Remember to cite the words that come from the other authors in the right way. Our dream job essay writing manual may come in handy here.The thumb rule is to create a winning essay. It should contain some intrigue, be eye-catching, and share accurate info like statistics. For instance, you can begin by the statistics of the number of people who die every year from car accidents because of distractions from messages while driving. Make sure you have a brief but informative introduction. The texting and driving essay introduction should reveal the primary idea of your paper.
  3. Body for Your No Texting and Driving Essay
    Like other papers, the body of your texting and driving essay has a crucial role. The tips to guide you here include:

    • Make a clear and concise essay body
    • Use simple and understandable language
    • Make sure that your paragraphs have a logical connection
    • Reveal the topic to its full extent
    • Write 3 to 44 body paragraphs and each of them must have an argument for a new thought
  4. Texting While Driving essay conclusion
    Let no one cheat you that concluding an essay is an easy task. However, it is not as hard as you may be thinking as long as you know what you are supposed to do. The secret is summing up all the main ideas that you have discussed in the body of the essay. However, this is not a sufficient condition for a successful college paper.The purpose of the conclusion is to persuade the reader that you have done an excellent job of researching the issue that is at hand. Have a final statement that sounds powerful and motivates the users to take a particular action. In the case of a texting and driving essay, express your opinion at the end of the essay to allow the reader to understand your standpoint.

Need Help With Your Texting and Driving Essay?

Texting and driving is a critical subject because it affects humanity daily. You have to use the right texting and driving essay outline when writing this academic piece of work, and to achieve the best possible correct essay. Make sure you discuss why texting and driving is bad in the body. The main components of this essay include the thesis statement, introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.

You can find help online from a reputable texting-and-driving essay service if you have a challenge at any stage. To even get texting and driving essay ideas you can get in touch with our customer support, and make a fast order for expert writing help.

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