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134 Awesome Journalism Topics For Your Essay

journalism topics

If you have always had a passion for journalism and media, you should choose that career path. Journalism entails collecting, assembling, investigating, and reporting the news to the public. It has evolved over time which has led to the growth of digital, print, and on-screen journalism.

Therefore, you need to research well on the kind of journalism you would want to partake in and your dream media house. If you are in college or university, these are some journalism topics that you can use for your essay, research paper, research project, thesis, or dissertation. Remember to choose a topic based on your interests.

How To Write A Good Journalism Essay

A journalism essay requires you to write about personal records, reports, news, facts, and story. The essay should provide a narrative of the crucial events. It is a combination of journalistic reporting and personal essay writing.

  1. Choose A Topic: First, you need to choose a topic that you can use for your essay. If you are not sure of the perfect topic, you can choose a topic from our list. Also, consider consulting your professor to ensure that the topic of your choice is ideal. The topic needs to be easy to research.
  2. Research: Once you have settled on a topic, proceed on to research it. You can use books, scholarly articles, documentaries, or other resources to get data. Additionally, you can interview people to gather first-hand information on the issue. You can also consider recording the interview or taking notes so that it can be easier to remember. You can also take pictures or videos if need be.
  3. Organize Your Points:  Once you feel you have gathered enough information, systematically organize the information. Therefore, it will become easier to write an essay regarding the specific issue. Also, you can omit some points that you feel aren’t that important at the moment.
  4. Write Your Essay: Every essay needs to have a clear introduction that introduces the topic, a body with the story you are reporting, and a conclusion that summarizes the occurrence. Each of the three parts is important, and you need to know how to organize them. Also, use the right grammar and vocabulary to make it easier for your audience to understand.
  5. Proofread Your Work: Once done, proofread your work. Have you left out any detail? What crucial information should be included? Check to ensure that all the important parts are included. Once satisfied, you may submit your journalism essay.

Literary Journalism Essay Topics

Do you want to be a journalist? These are some journalism topics that you can use for your research paper, research project, thesis, or dissertation. It depends on your needs. These literary journalism topics are easy to research.

  1. Popular literary journalist in the world.
  2. In your view, what does the future of literary journalism hold?
  3. Significance of banning fake news from being portrayed on social media platforms.
  4. The verification process undertaken by media outlets before spreading any reports.
  5. Freedom of the press in providing news.
  6. Significance of metaphors in news headlines.
  7. Censorship policies in journalism and media.
  8. Drawbacks faced by journalists when collecting news.
  9. Impact of literary journalism in society.
  10. Evolution of literary journalism – what has changed? What has improved?

International Journalism Essay Topics

Are you looking for journalism essay topics? Consider any of these for your essay. You can use scholarly articles, books, films, documentaries, and other resources for relevant research.

  1. Difference between local and international news reporting.
  2. Business aspect in the journalism industry – is it lucrative?
  3. Journalism ethics are found in different cultures.
  4. Popular beliefs of people about journalism.
  5. How governments impact media practices.
  6. The international regulations guiding journalists.
  7. Importance of technology on shaping journalism.
  8. How media can help with climate change.
  9. Advantages of mass media in dealing with situations.
  10. Relevance of media in solving social issues like racism.

Interesting Journalism Related Essay Topics

When in college, you need to work on getting top grades. The grades sum up to the graduation result that you will get. Therefore, always consult your professors when in need of assistance.

  1. Is it wise for the media to pay less attention to celebrity news?
  2. Influence of media on our perception of the culture.
  3. Distractions caused by cell phones.
  4. How does television advertising favor large corporations?
  5. Ways in which journalists impact voting in presidential elections.
  6. Biggest challenges facing the journalism sector.
  7. Is stylized writing acceptable in today’s internet articles? Can the audience accept that?
  8. Reality TV provides an accurate perception of modern society.
  9. The best procedure to use to interview a witness.
  10. Impact of professional athletes on social awareness.

Good Journalism Research Topics

As a journalist, you need to do thorough research on the latest trends. What is currently happening? How is the world reacting to it? These are some good journalism research topics that you can use.

  1. Do cell phones lead to any kind of distractions?
  2. Influence of social media sites on causing depression, anxiety, and other mental issues.
  3. Do the media report celebrity stories in the right way?
  4. Different types of interviews used by journalists
  5. Ethics about photo and video journalism.
  6. Relation between law, ethics, and journalism.
  7. Most preferred news-gathering and production practices.
  8. How to design an influential interview.
  9. Impact of the internet on journalism.
  10. Compare print publishing and digital media.

Best Mass Communication Research Topics

When in school, ensure you fully concentrate. The knowledge you acquire in college will play a huge role in your career growth. Therefore, know how to balance school, friends, and family to get the best results. You can use these best mass communication research topics to get top grades.

  1. How phrasing changes the context in reporting.
  2. Impact of technology on communication.
  3. The positive impact of innovation in modern communication.
  4. How media manipulation controls populations.
  5. Evaluate honesty, morals, ad ethics as portrayed in politics.
  6. Popular archaic communication methods are used today.
  7. The freedom of expression for minorities.
  8. How technology broadens access to information.
  9. How do mass media control trends and product popularity?
  10. How current events shape communication.

Excellent Media Research Topics

As a student, studying should be your top priority. You need to ensure that you excel in your journalism course or the specific unit. The teachers can help you to choose the best media research topics for your essay.

  1. How to curb media manipulation.
  2. Copyright issues in cyberspace.
  3. Evaluate biased media outlets.
  4. How phrasing can break a broadcast.
  5. Manifestation of the literary work censorship.
  6. Past, present, and the prospect of biased media.
  7. Evaluate the communication monopolies in the world.
  8. The Best way to stop media manipulation.
  9. Impact of computer-mediated interactions.
  10. Best interpersonal dialogue stimulation methods.

Awesome Investigative Journalism Topics

Would you want to indulge in investigative journalism? Sounds, exciting! You may use any of these awesome investigative journalism topics for your essay, thesis, dissertation, research paper, or research project.

  1. Privacy concept in investigative journalism.
  2. How have investigative journalists changed history?
  3. Media biasness in investigative journalism.
  4. Freedom of the press.
  5. Evaluate an important historical piece done through investigative journalism.
  6. Evolution of investigative journalism.
  7. How can media transform the negative image of a country to the world?
  8. Challenges faced by investigative journalists.
  9. Impact of media on developing countries.
  10. The safety of investigative journalists.

Fun Journalism Topics To Write About

Journalism is fun as it helps you learn more about the world. These are some fun journalism topics to write about. They are really easy to research and do your assignment.

  1. The future of journalism.
  2. Evaluate blogging and social media as the future of journalism.
  3. Journalism practices in different countries.
  4. Relation between journalism and political parties.
  5. Evaluate mass media in Africa.
  6. Importance of mainstream media.
  7. Use of children in journalism.
  8. Communication enhancement using social media.
  9. How mass media causes mass hysteria.
  10. How does the media create events?

Controversial Journalism Topics For High School

If you love controversy, then these journalism topics for high school are definitely for you. You can readily find content on the internet and work on it.

  1. Distractions caused by social media platforms while in school.
  2. Risks underwent by war journalists.
  3. Influence of professional athletes on teaching society values.
  4. Why can’t we survive without media?
  5. Influence of media in technology advancement.
  6. Influence of the internet on people checking current events.
  7. Influence of the internet on news reporting.
  8. Impact of mass media on the ethical well-being of society.
  9. Effects of media addiction on the economy.
  10. Media influence on relationship expectation.

Good Journalism Topics

These are some good journalism topics that you can use in college. You just need to do thorough research to ensure that you capture all details.

  1. Known media policies and culture.
  2. Causes of media addiction.
  3. How does mass media affect someone emotionally?
  4. Women journalists’ representation in the media.
  5. Why should we trust the media for accurate news?
  6. Is the media responsible for the deterioration of moral standards in society?
  7. Negative impacts of misinformation by the media.
  8. Relation between media and diplomacy.
  9. The negative impact of racism in media.
  10. Roles of media as an agenda-setting tool.

Mass Media Essay Topics

Mass media is broad as it captures various aspects. These are some mass media essay topics that you can use for your coursework. Just choose a topic that interests you most.

  1. Mass media history and evolution over time.
  2. Different types of mass media.
  3. What should we expect in the future mass media?
  4. The trustworthiness of mass media.
  5. Relevance of newspapers in the digital age.
  6. Relation between mass media and politics.
  7. How does mass media affect social norms?
  8. How can journalist protect their information sources?
  9. Media role in economic growth.
  10. How media helps reduce crime.

Sports Journalism Research Papers Topics

These interesting sports journalism research paper topics can help you understand what happens behind the scenes in sports, and will be a great English essays help. You will be able to research better and learn more.

  1. Racial discrimination in sports shown by the media.
  2. How can the media capture physically challenged athletes to make it easier for them to participate in sports effectively?
  3. Effect of journalists digging into the lives of sportsmen and women.
  4. The effects of brands in sports.
  5. How the decency of sports people can be protected during coverage?
  6. Differentiation of males and females in sports as portrayed by media.
  7. Role of journalists in promoting a good sporting culture.
  8. Latest trends in sports journalism.
  9. How does sports journalism promote peace?
  10. How do sports commentators impact the sporting culture?

High School Investigative Journalism Topics

If you have a passion for investigative journalism, then these topics are definitely for you. You can choose any of these high school investigative journalism topics for your essay, research paper, research project, thesis, or dissertation. Make your pick!

  1. Evaluate media as an agenda-setting tool.
  2. The representation of African Americans in today’s media
  3. Evaluate media and communication psychology.
  4. The peculiarities of children’s media.
  5. How are social networks the key to modern-day communication?
  6. Benefits of international journalism.
  7. Should counties control their media sites?
  8. The disparity between modern and new-era journalism.
  9. How does mass media play a role in education?
  10. How is mass media used in spreading awareness?
  11. Role of media in the growth of the music industry.
  12. How has media evolved due to technological advancement?
  13. How media has impacted the state of living.
  14. The subsequent impact of media on economic growth.

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