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A List Of Top 100 Expository Essay Topics

expository essay topics

When you need to write an expository essay, you must dedicate a lot of time and effort to finding great expository essay topics. Truth be told, an essay written on a boring topic won’t get any bonus points. In most cases, it won’t even get a B from your professor. On the other hand, you will get a very good grade if you manage to find a unique, interesting topic to write the paper on. The only problem is that finding exceptional expository writing topics can be difficult. This is why we have 100 ideas for you – and they are all free to use!

What Is an Expository Essay?

Let’s start with the beginning. What is an expository essay? Basically, it is an academic paper that aims to shed light on a very specific matter. In such an essay, you will pick a topic and investigate, explain, clarify, and even illustrate something until your readers understand it. The topic will be explained in a straightforward and logical way, without any bells and whistles. Your aim is to clarify every aspect of the topic, not to insert your – often biased – personal opinions. Of course, the expository essay must adhere to all applicable academic writing standards (MLA, APA, Chicago, etc.).

Why Are Expository Essay Topics so Important?

Now that you know how to define expository essay writing, it’s time to talk about choosing a topic. Why should you strive to find only the best and most interesting topics for an expository essay? After all, your professor is only interested in the way you write, right? Wrong! Your professor is very interested in what you write about, so he or she doesn’t grade only the way you write the paper. And remember, learning how to write an expository essay is not enough to get an A+, or even an A.

You need to find some good expository speech topics or essay topics to get a higher grade. You need to demonstrate to your professor that you really invested some time and effort into writing the perfect essay – even though it’s not perfect. You will get bonus points for this and you will most probably get a top grade even if the paper isn’t perfect.

100 Good Expository Essay Topics (Updated for 2023)

Personal Experience Topics

Some of the best expository paper topics are those that discuss your personal experience. If you don’t have any ideas, pick one of these topics:

  1. What is your very first memory?
  2. What dreams do you have about the future?
  3. Do you like to cook? Why?
  4. How I met my best friend
  5. Who is your favorite professor? Why?
  6. Talk about your favorite movie

Expository Speech Topics

Writing an expository speech shouldn’t take you more than 2 hours – if you choose the right topic. Here are some of the best ideas you can find online:

  1. How does “tolerance” work?
  2. Internet addiction is a real thing
  3. Should we wear a school uniform?
  4. We should ban fast food stands around schools
  5. What would you change if you were the President?
  6. Let’s talk about the “glass ceiling” problem

Some Very Good Expository Essay Topics

These topics are some of the most interesting ones we can think of. Just be aware that many students will pick one of these topics as well:

  1. Who would you meet from the past?
  2. Which is better, an apartment or a house?
  3. What superpower would you like to have?
  4. How can you stop smoking?
  5. Are plastics destroying our oceans?
  6. Would you like to become a celebrity?

Social Problems Topics

There are plenty of things to talk about when it comes to social problems. Here are some great examples of topics for expository writing:

  1. Best way to save the planet
  2. How would you get rid of poverty?
  3. Should Obamacare be eliminated?
  4. Here is why smoking weed is bad for your health.
  5. How would you solve the unemployment problem in the US?
    Smoking is costing the government a lot of money

Expository Essay Topics for High School Students

Our expository essay topics for high school students are easier than those tailored to college students. Use any of the ideas below for your next academic paper:

  1. What college do you wish to attend?
  2. Is alcohol a good way to solve a problem?
  3. How can you become financially independent?
  4. Did you consider getting a job?
  5. 5 steps to colonize a planet
  6. Who is your role model?

A Couple of Informative Expository Speech Topics

If you wish to impress your professor and get a top grade, you could write an informative expository speech. Here are some of the best topics for this:

  1. How will the next big invention look like?
  2. I believe we are not alone in the Universe
  3. The main reasons for divorces in the UK
  4. Solving financial problems the right way
  5. The problems of getting to Mars
  6. Here is what makes people happy

Easy Expository Paragraph Topics

Of course, you can write an expository paragraph, if this is what your professor asked you to do. Pick one of these topics and start writing right now:

  1. Which animal would you like to be?
  2. Why do you dislike — music?
  3. The benefits of physical exercise
  4. Banning uniforms in schools
  5. My dog is the perfect pet
  6. Learning a second language is important

Expository Essay Topics for Middle School

If you are in middle school, you probably want some simple topics. Here are some of the best topics for expository essays for middle school students:

  1. Why do you admire the President of the US?
  2. Can you develop leaderships skills?
  3. Would you apply to be a teacher?
  4. Does Facebook destroy friendships?
  5. How can I help the homeless?
  6. Why do I volunteer?

Education Topics

Don’t be afraid to talk about education. In fact, most professors appreciate constructive criticism. Here are some of the things you can talk about:

  1. What causes illiteracy in adults?
  2. How do you envision a good teacher?
  3. Which is better, private or public school?
  4. Is an educated person a smart person?
  5. The 5 skills every professor should have
  6. Is homeschooling adequate?

College Expository Essay Topics

When you need to get a top grade on your expository essay, you absolutely need to pick one of our excellent expository essay topics for college:

  1. Discuss the authors’ style in Macbeth
  2. What are the main symbols in “Leaves of Grass”?
  3. Why are secondary characters so important?
  4. The Golden Compass: Comedy Elements
  5. Everything you need to know about the Theory of Relativity
  6. Nietzsche’s claims and their consequences

Ethical Issues Topics

You are encouraged to write an essay on one of the many ethical issues we are facing today. Just make sure your writing doesn’t offend part of your audience.

  1. Which parent would you choose in case of a divorce?
  2. Would you eliminate the death penalty?
  3. Should we allow abortion?
  4. What is the “code of ethics”?
  5. Should terminally ill people be allowed assisted suicide?
  6. Ways to stop racism at the workplace.

Funny Expository Essay Topics

As you probably know already, funny topics can get you some bonus points from your professor. Here are some of the best such topics for expository essay:

  1. What does the Internet mean to me?
  2. Do I really need my smartphone?
  3. Is my cat really my friend?
  4. When can I go to Mars?
  5. The effects of religion on people.
  6. What is love?

History Expository Essay Ideas

Does your professor like history? You may get some bonus points simply by choosing the right history expository essay topic:

  1. Let’s discuss the reign of Queen Victoria.
  2. Were the Templars just mercenaries?
  3. The pros and cons of the invention of gunpowder.
  4. Were the crusaders the heroes of their time?
  5. How did Astronomy change the history of Greece?

Easy Expository Essay Topics

We know you don’t want to spend 3 days writing the essay, so we have put together a list of simple expository essay topics you can use:

  1. The best class in your school.
  2. Aliens are just a myth.
  3. Will the Sun burn out?
  4. Did we really go to the Moon?
  5. Why – is my favorite actor
  6. The effects of junk food on students.

Health Expository Essay Topics

Let’s face it: everyone should be interested in health. If you would like to write an expository essay about health, but don’t have a topic in mind, we have some excellent ideas for you:

  1. How can you stay fit?
  2. Is poverty linked to HIV?
  3. Can students live a healthier life?
  4. The consequences of healthy eating habits.
  5. How does music affect health?

Funny Expository Speech Topics

Writing a speech shouldn’t be difficult. However, the amount of time you spend writing it depends on the topic you choose. Here are some great ideas for you:

  1. How does Artificial Intelligence work?
  2. Which professor would you like to be for a day?
  3. Here is why we should ban nuclear energy.
  4. How can cats and birds be friends?
  5. Here is why my sister doesn’t like me.
  6. Should you try to find the date of your death?

Science and Tech Topics

When it comes to science and technology, there are plenty of interesting things to talk about. We have some great topics for 2023:

  1. Are we addicted to Instagram?
  2. Is time travel possible in the near future?
  3. How did the iPhone change mobile tech?
  4. Who was Stephen Hawking?
  5. Something better than the Internet
  6. Is the radio obsolete?

Getting Excellent Expository Paper Topics: The Second Option

We realize that some students won’t find the expository topics they seek in our list. The expository essay topics college students need can be very difficult to find, unfortunately. But we have another option for you. Get in touch with us and we’ll send you some sample expository essay topics very quickly. It doesn’t take long for our professional writers to compile a list of the best topics you can imagine.

We can even help you with writing your expository essay or with editing and proofreading. You can get an expository essay outline, if you don’t know how to start the paper. Bottom line, our team of essay writers can help you with everything you need to ensure you get a top grade on your next essay.

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