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122 Extended Essay Topics For Top Performers

extended essay topics

If you are looking for the best extended essay topics, we are proud to say that you have arrived at the right place. Our experienced writers and editors worked hard to put together this list of interesting topics for students looking to learn how to write an extended essay. The ideas are split into 14 major categories, so you will surely find a topic to write about.

In addition, our topics are 100% original at the time of writing. Moreover, we go to great lengths to make sure this list remain original. We are updating it periodically, adding new topics. This is why you can be certain that this is the place where you will always find a unique extended essay idea to write about.

Choose Our Extended Essay Topics

We know that your classmates are scouring the Internet for fresh topics. Some of them may have already found this website. However, because we strive to keep our topics original, you will most likely find a topic here that nobody has thought about. Why choose our topics? Because an original topic will likely get you bonus points from your professor. You can also expect writing an essay on one of our topics to be relatively easy. This means you will both finish the essay faster and get a top grade on it. So what are you still waiting for? Check out our interesting EE topics:

Good Extended Essay Topics

We’ll start our list with our best topics so far. Check out our sub-list of good extended essay topics and pick the one you like the most right now:

  1. Noble traits in English literature
  2. Peculiarities of Frankenstein in Mary Shelley’s works
  3. Analyze social Darwinism
  4. The government sector in the United States economy
  5. Effects of Egyptian mathematicians on the field
  6. Stalin and Hitler: friends or foes?
  7. Discuss the Cuban missile crisis
  8. How humanity averted a nuclear war

IB Extended Essay History Topics

Are you preparing for the international baccalaureate? If you are, you may be interested in these unique IB extended essay history topics:

  1. Three of the oldest human settlements
  2. Discuss the role of biology in war
  3. Japanese Americans in the Second World War
  4. The use of the atom bomb and Hiroshima
  5. Analyze the Treaty of Versailles
  6. How neutral was Sweden during the Second World War?

Easy History Extended Essay Topics

In case you don’t want to spend a couple of days writing the essay, you should pick one of our easy history extended essay topics:

  1. Compare and contrast fungi and plants
  2. Do dogs respond to eye contact?
  3. Treating phobias in the 21st century
  4. Discuss the diffuse mode of learning
  5. Discuss human nature in Metamorphosis (written by Kafka)
  6. Climate change and its impact on marine life
  7. An in-depth look at the Deepwater Horizon disaster
  8. Black people and property rights in 1900s United States
  9. The invasion of France by Germany in WWII

Biology Extended Essay Topics

Interested in writing about something in biology? We have plenty of original biology extended essay topics right here for you to choose:

  1. The effects of habitat change on a specific species
  2. E.Coli growth and the use of hand sanitizers
  3. Compare land and aquatic plants
  4. Link between population density and size of a species in the US
  5. The effects of antioxidants on the human body
  6. Effects of drugs on our brain
  7. Discuss the health benefits of a specific plant
  8. Photosynthesis without sunlight
  9. Storing meat safely for 30 days

Psychology Extended Essay Topics

Students looking to write about an idea in psychology should definitely pick one of these awesome psychology extended essay topics:

  1. Imaginary friends: good or bad?
  2. Discuss Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
  3. Abortion and its effects on women’s health
  4. Drug abuse in teenagers in the UK
  5. Depression: the root causes
  6. Obesity and watching too much TV
  7. Parental negligence and its negative effects
  8. Explain mirror neurons and their role
  9. Narcissistic behavior in children

World Studies Extended Essay Topics

Yes, you can write about world studies. And what better way to start than to choose one of our unique world studies extended essay topics:

  1. Basic safety tips every traveler should know
  2. COVID-19 and its effects on travel in the US
  3. The effects of the pandemic on tourism in the United Kingdom
  4. Differences between immigration and emigration
  5. The effects of terrorism on emerging economies
  6. The use of fossil fuels is no longer sustainable
  7. Global climate change and its effects on the world
  8. The War in Afghanistan and its effects on the country
  9. Immigration in the US: the root causes

Extended Essay Topics in Economics

Economics is not an easy field, but you already know this. We’ve done our best to come up with some relatively easy extended essay topics in economics:

  1. China’s methods of advancing its economy
  2. The development of South Korean economy
  3. Economy in poor countries in Africa
  4. An aging population and its effects on the global economy
  5. Artificial Intelligence replacing the human workforce
  6. Compare 3 of the largest corporations in the US
  7. Best way to tax corporations globally
  8. Best economic strategy for fast growth
  9. Countries that rely solely on petrol

English Extended Essay Topics

Check out our English extended essay topics and pick the one you like for free. Use any of our topic ideas as you see fit (you can even reword them):

  1. Analyze The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan
  2. Is fanfiction genuine literature?
  3. Analyze Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe
  4. Changes in the spelling of English words since the 1800s
  5. Analyze Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift
  6. French words in English language
  7. Analyze Clarissa by Samuel Richardson
  8. The role of slang in the English language
  9. Compare British and American English

Chemistry Extended Essay Topic Ideas

Writing about chemistry is not easy, so we’ve tried to come up with some chemistry extended essay topic ideas that are not overly complicated:

  1. An in-depth look at enzymatic reactions
  2. Discuss calorimetry and its real-world applications
  3. The effects of high temperature on cow milk
  4. 3 chemical reactions and their thermic effects
  5. Discuss the compounds of manganese
  6. Nucleophiles vs. electrophiles
  7. Discuss the production of gasoline
  8. What are proteinogenic amino acids?
  9. The effects of aspiring on humans
  10. Ways to detect nitrate concentrations in plants

Math Extended Essay Topics

Writing about the field of mathematics can be tough if you don’t know which topics to choose. Pick one of these math extended essay topics today:

  1. Discuss intelligent machines of the future
  2. Practical applications of trigonometry
  3. Math and physics: not so different
  4. Calculus in ancient Egypt
  5. Geometry in ancient Rome
  6. The life of Archimedes
  7. Discuss the general relativity theory
  8. Applied math: calculating the black hole mass

Difficult IB Extended Essay Topics

If you want to be in top shape at the international baccalaureate, you should try your hand at some difficult IB extended essay topics. Check these out:

  1. Best filming techniques
  2. The use of computer-generated graphics in movies
  3. The 24-frames-per-second rule in cinematography
  4. Creating a new plant in modern times
  5. The effects of the business cycle on US economy
  6. Explain transfer payments
  7. Why is English literature so important today?
  8. The amazing work of novelist Jane Austen
  9. The basics of oceanography

Physics Extended Essay Topics

We have an entire list of physics extended essay topics right here for students who are passionate about the field:

  1. What is electricity?
  2. Describe a lightning bolt
  3. Magnetic forces around us
  4. The Aurora Borealis effect
  5. How do black holes curb light?
  6. Does light have mass?
  7. What is heat and how is it transferred through air?
  8. The role of acceleration in dynamics
  9. Nuclear reactions in our Sun
  10. Describe the use of telescope arrays

Extended Essay Topics in Geography

Our team of writers and editors are constantly working on adding new and exciting extended essay topics in geography for you:

  1. Explain the process of coral breaching
  2. Global warming and its effects on the Niagara Falls
  3. What is polar vortex instability?
  4. The alarming rate of thawing around the Arctic Circle
  5. What triggers volcano eruptions?
  6. Solar storms and their effects on GPS
  7. Oceanic current shifts and their effects
  8. Geography and its effects on different cultures
  9. Nations with access to the sea vs other nations

English Literature Topic Ideas

Don’t know what to write about in English literature? No problem! We have some excellent English literature topic ideas that you can use below:

  1. The ideal woman in English literature
  2. The ideal man in UK literature
  3. Macbeth and its supernatural motifs
  4. Discuss the use of artificial language in English literature
  5. Analyze The Fault in Our Stars (by John Green)
  6. Analyze Emma by Jane Austen
  7. Spirituality motifs in English literature
  8. Most well-known monsters in English literature

Getting Professional Essay Writing Help Online

Are you looking for the best essay writing help online? High school and college students can rely on our seasoned essay writers for top quality papers. All our essays are custom-written, which means they are written just for you – according to your exact guidelines and requirements. When you order a paper from our professional ENL writers, you also get our 100% Money Back guarantee. Your essay will be ready on time – guaranteed. It will also be 100 percent original.

We know students aren’t the most trustful people, so we want to reassure you that each expert from our company will do a good job. Even though relatively cheap, our essays are highly interesting and perfectly written. To get our help, all you have to do is get in touch with us and tell us more about your next paper. Get in touch with us right now – no matter the hour!


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